May 26, 2011

Hey Y'all

Welcome to my new blog!

No, this isn't the first blog I've started, but I'm wanting to start fresh and hopefully keep it up :)

First posts are always so awkward.

I'm a newlywed as of April 16th, 2011! My husband and I have been together almost 3 and a half years.

Born and raised in Georgia, I've been living in Memphis for a little over three years now, hence the name "Barbecued Peaches".
  • side note, I don't really like BBQ that much. I realize this is a sin in Memphis. I like Rendezvous or Germantown Commisary nachos, but after 5-6, I'm good.

I'm a proud University of Georgia alumn and a member of Delta Gamma Fraternity. Proof that love conquers all, my husband is a graduate of the University of Tennessee.

I like lists(especially To-Do lists that allow me to draw a line through them!), so that's how I'll introduce myself to you!

I like:
  • music
  • good books
  • twitter(ob.sessed.)
  • cooking
  • working out(most days)
  • SEC football
  • maxi dresses
  • smoothies
I don't like:
  • nuts in candy
  • the University of Florida
  • The obsession with American Idol/Dancing with the Stars/America's Got Talent, any of those types of shows
  • doing the dishes
  • dirty bathrooms
  • cleaning the bathroom
  • chili
  • wearing socks
I want to:
  • decorate our apartment
  • travel to Spain
  • learn how to use my DSLR camera
  • get a puppy
What I'll write about:
  • newlywed life
  • budgeting...I'm reading everything I can about budgeting in hopes of helping us start our marriage off right
  • the Memphis summer heat(read: complaining)
  • cooking
  • working out/weight loss(Most people lose weight while planning a wedding....not this girl)
  • wedding planning(I enjoyed most of my process, and still like talking about it)
  • good books
  • any thought I can't fit into 140 characters on twitter
I think this a good start, don't you?


Anonymous said...

Love the blog! Nothing like a fresh start now and again. Looking forward to reading more.

Anonymous said...

Your blog template is adorable Lauren! I've got you in my Reader-looking forward to your posts!

Btw, the best decision Jeff & I made was to take Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. It's not always easy, but we're committed & love it. If you haven't already, check it out.

Jessica said...

Woop woop I just started a new blog too sorta tied to my design website. I'll be doing similar blogging, wedding, food, etc:)